The online cognitive assessment developed at University of Pennsylvania and the National institute of Mental Health. MindPrint provides parents with objective insights into their child’s learning strengths and needs, from 8 yrs old (and 2nd grade reading level) to 21 yrs old.
What you’ll get
Know learning strengths with certainty in less than one hour with this online assessment that is done in the comfort of your own home. All you need is a laptop or desktop computer, and an updated web browser.
Testing includes evaluation of executive functioning, memory, complex reasoning, and speed. Understand discrepancies in grades and standardized test scores by understanding the “why”.
MindPrint can help evaluate the need for school & standardized testing accommodations. If a student’s MindPrint results are consistent with observations of academic and behavioral challenges, the student might have a learning need which could qualify for support at school with an IEP or 504 plan.
Optimize ACT and SAT Scores. Identify which test is the best fit for your child and why. Prioritize study time by focusing on sections with the greatest opportunity for gains. Capture detailed, accurate score projections by section.
After your child/teen completes their examination, you will have the opportunity to have a follow up phone call or FaceTime lasting 20-30 minutes to discuss test results with an ADHD Life Medical Associates MindPrint champion.
MindPrint provides you with personalized learning strategies for school and homework based off your cognitive strengths and weaknesses, improving your self-confidence and foster a growth mindset. We want to see you reach your optimal potential!
MindPrint Learning Assessment Package
$350 for Non Patients
$250 for Patients of ADHD Life Medical Associates
Ask for discount pricing on siblings
Please see common questions below. For all other questions you can email Adhdlife81@gmail.com.
***MindPrint is committed to providing a secure, user-controlled environment for their services. They adhere to strict privacy and security standards, and comply with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) policies. Student details and testing results are never shared with 3rd party companies. Children under the age of 18 may not subscribe to or create their own account with this site.
✺ Frequently asked questions ✺
You have to be at least 8yrs old (and second grade reading level) to 21 yrs old.
No! You can get tested even if you are not a patient of ours. Buying the MindPrint Evaluation does not constitute a patient-clinician relationship, and will not be treated as such. If recommended, clients are expected to follow up on their own with either their school learning specialist or their primary care physician after consultation with ADHD Life Medical Associates.
MindPrint does not diagnose learning or neurodevelopment disorders. Making a diagnosis can be a complicated process. Using objective data in combination with skilled evaluation is critical for an accurate diagnosis. The indicated MindPrint skills are those most often associated with learning challenge. If your child’s results flag a significantly low score, we may recommend you pursue further clinical evaluation at a qualified testing center or through your school district.
Yes! Whether you already have an IEP, 504 plan, or think that your child may qualify for accommodations, MindPrint can be very helpful in providing specific learning recommendations and objective data to help guide your next steps. They can specifically be applied to school plans if appropriate, or can be utilized immediately at home with homework and studying.
MindPrint does not measure anxiety. However, anxiety could interfere with a student’s MindPrint performance, particularly on the Working Memory and Attention tasks. Given the complex intersection between cognitive skills and emotions, concerns about learning and/or social and emotional issues should be addressed with your physician.
ADHD Life Medical Associates does not offer refunds for testing after tests are started and/or completed. Parents are expected to be present during the exam to ensure testing integrity. Please do not start the test if your child is actively showing signs of emotional distress or defiance that will likely affect their participation and efforts on the test. We always recommend taking the test after a meal to avoid hunger, and at the beginning of the day when children/teens are likely to perform at their best. If you are having problems with the program functioning correctly, please email us immediately and let us know that you are having problems so we can contact the company.
Since testing is done on your own time for your convenience, we ask that you email us once the test is complete so we can schedule a follow up. Test results typically take 5 business days to receive.
All assessment instructions are displayed in written form and have professional audio voice-over. The instructions can be replayed as often as the student needs. The adult proctor should not need to read the instructions but can repeat them to the student for reassurance if it will be comforting. To preserve the integrity of the results, adults should not provide any additional guidance that is not in the instructions.
Please note that MindPrint is designed for students reading at a second grade level and can follow simple, multi-step instructions independently.
If you are questioning your child’s ability to take the test, it is best to wait until you are sure that they can meet all of the following criteria.
Reading English at or above a 2nd grade level (e.g. can comfortably read words such as coats, pinch, shape, string, and thumps)
Can follow simple, multi-step instructions independently. An example of an instruction would be, “You will see letters appear on the screen. Press the space bar if you see the letter X. Do not press the space bar for letters other than X.”
Vision to read the screen independently. Note: If the student wears glasses for reading or working at school, the student should wear glasses throughout the testing.
Cognitive skills are measures of how you learn most efficiently, not what you know. Most schools NEVER test cognitive skills, so they might not have the data to know how best to personalize instruction. Every student learns a bit differently.
MindPrint evaluates 10 core cognitive skills and guides how to personalize successful learning across subjects. Note that these skills are not readily observable so a reliable understanding requires a valid assessment tool or a certified professional.
Executive Functions
Attention: The ability to sustain focus, even for tasks that you might not find interesting. Biggest impact: all subjects, particularly those a student finds least interesting.
Working Memory: The ability to mentally juggle multiple bits of information in short-term memory. Biggest impact: multi-step problem solving, reading comprehension, and following directions.
Flexible Thinking: Openness to taking feedback and adapting to solve novel problems. Biggest impact: math and science and inferencing while reading. More important in higher grades.
Complex Reasoning/Critical Thinking
Verbal Reasoning: The ability to understand language-based information. Biggest impact: all subjects. Highest correlation with academic achievement.
Abstract Reasoning: The ability to understand non-language-based information, including numbers, shapes and patterns. Biggest impact: math and science, particularly in higher grades.
Spatial Perception: The ability to understand how objects relate in space. Biggest impact: specific areas of math and science like geometry and physics; hands-on activities; fine and performing arts.
Verbal Memory: How efficiently you encode and recall language-based information. Biggest impact: all subjects, particularly in earlier grades when foundational skills are most important.
Visual Memory: How efficiently you encode and recall objects, pictures and other visual information. Biggest impact: math facts, math and science more generally.
Visual Motor Speed: How efficiently your eyes and hands work together. Biggest impact: hand-writing, keyboarding, note taking, hands-on activities.
Processing Speed: How efficiently you process and respond to new information. Biggest impact: class participation, standardized tests, reading and homework efficiency.
MindPrint does not offer a diagnosis or a classification. However, parents, schools, and clinicians use MindPrint, in combination with other assessments and observation, to come to a fully informed decision on whether a child should be placed in gifted programs.
Schools that have gifted and talented programs typically require that each student take the school's standardized evaluation. If a student scores in the top 5% of any of the MindPrint complex reasoning tasks the school might re-consider the student's gifted eligibility.
Many summer programs will accept MindPrint to meet the eligibility criteria, including:
Summer Institute for the Gifted (SIG) for students who perform two standard deviations above the mean in verbal reasoning, abstract reasoning, or flexible thinking.
Summer Academic and Honors Institute for students in 9th through 12th grades. Contact Director, Dr. Dennis De Luca.
MindPrint follows industry standards and recommends assessing students every one to three years. This should provide sufficient information on how the student is progressing and if their needs have changed. Schools, clinicians, and other professionals sometimes determine it is in a student's best interest to assess more frequently.